The newly refurbished library
at Tara Shire State College provides for our school a bright,
open environment for teaching, learning and for students to sit and read in a
relaxed atmosphere.
Resources available include:
Non-fiction books, Widescreen televisions and other audio-visual aids, Austar,
Ipads, laptops and a small number of desk top computers. Wireless is available
throughout the building. Our newspaper and magazine sections provide important
additional resources.
There is a large collection of
non-fiction books found in the Junior Fiction section, Primary fiction,
Secondary fiction and Senior Secondary fiction sections.
Our new furnishings and layout allow
for a flexible approach to teaching for all year levels from our Prep class to
Year 12. The Junior Fiction Room has been specifically furnished to provide a
comfortable reading space for our younger students. Comfortable soft furnishings provide
an added attraction for both class and break time use.
The library is open before school,
during both breaks and after school.