
Rules and policies


​​​​​Attendance Policy

All schools in Queensland are committed to providing safe and supportive learning environments for all students which address their educational needs. Research shows that regular attendance is integral to successful academic, employment and social outcomes. Accordingly, it is important that students, staff and parents/carers have a shared understanding of the importance of regular student attendance.​

Every day counts when it comes to the education of all students.

Students MUST remain in class under the supervision of their teachers at all times. This is because absenteeism can place students in unsafe situationsand impact on their future employability and life choices.

A student not in class is a student who is not learning; therefore, it is a requirement of the college that students are in class at all times. 

Attendance is so important that the College has an attendance target. Students wishing to order a senior jersey or attend non-curriculum-based excursions or activities must meet the attendance target for example, Year 12 Formal, camps and sports activities.

Uniform Policy

Tara Shire State College has a school uniform that has been endorsed by the TSSC P&C.

Students are expected to wear the uniform at all times. Students not wearing the school uniform will not be able to attend school excursions, sports days and any other school activities.

Refer to the student Code Of Conduct 2020-2024 ​

This Uniform Policy applies to all school activities including extra-curricula, excursions and sport (unless prior permission is granted by the principal).

Off & Away for the Day

From the beginning of Term 1 2024, All Queensland state school students must keep their mobile phones switched off and “away for the day" during school hours. Notifications on wearable devices, such as smartwatches, must be switched off so that phone calls, messages and other notifications cannot be sent or received during school hours. 

The decision to implement a consistent, State-wide approach to putting mobile phones away during the school day is based on the advice of Ms Cheryl Vardon AO, Former Queensland family and children's commissioner, who completed an independent review of Queensland's approach to mobile phones.

Ms Vardon's review included consultation with key education stakeholders, such as principals, school staff, students and families from each education region, as well as a review of recent research on student use of mobile phones and personal devices in schools.

“Off & Away for the day' will support schools to maintain a strong focus on educational achievement, and student wellbeing and engagement by:

  • Providing optimal learning and teaching environments
  • encouraging increased face-to-face social interactions between students
  • Promoting the health and wellbeing of students though increased social interaction and physical activity
  • ​reducing the potential for students to be exposed to the negative impacts of the digital world, resulting from unsafe or inappropriate technology use.


The responsibilities for students using mobile phones or other devices including speakers at school or during school activities, are outlined below. Students Tara Shire State College will comply with the following:

  • ​Switch off and place the mobile device out of sight (either in their pocket or school bag during classes, before and after school, and during lunch breaks unless the device is being used in a teacher directed activity to enhance learning.

  • ​Turn on the phone to pay for food and drinks at the canteen and then switch off and place device away again.
Refer to the student code of conduct 2020-2024.

Assessment Policy

This policy details procedures to be followed in applying for an extension of time to complete an assessment task, late submission and non-submission of student responses to assessment tasks. It also details procedures relating to examination requirements and possible consequence that may occur in the event of student misconduct relating to assessment.​

Last reviewed 21 March 2025
Last updated 21 March 2025